
Circuit bent Violin+Electric Guitar toy!

Aside from being hand-painted, the device includes the following:

Switchable "master pitch' knob - sets the speed/pitch of the the machine, from gravely, abrasive lows to glitchy, manic highs

Switchable "wacky pitch" knob - also affects the speed/pitch, but adds a strangle modulated warble that interacts with the other pitch control

Switchable light sensor - allows for theremin-esque play: pitch can be controlled using light

"Bow" button and "hold" switch - when in violin mode, the button plays the next note in one of the toy's songs. When the 'hold' switch is activated, the sound is sustained (we'll call it a fermata 😊)

5 metal 'body contacts' that bend and distort the sound when touched, especially in combination

1/4" output for playing through an amplifier