Geosafari Talking Globe Jr.

This Geosafari Talking Globe Jr. has been transformed from a geographical educational resource to monstrous sonic powerhouse! The device has gone through a complete overhaul and functions normally when the modifications aren't activated.


Full pitch/speed control - The toy's globe has been removed and replaced with a custom 3d-printed globe knob that can control the speed of the device, from squeaky frenetic fast to raucous screaming gravelly low. The adjacent knob will 'fine tune' the speed.

Light control - when the light sensor next to the globe 'speed' knob is switched 'on', the speed can be controlled using light in a theremin-esque way.

"Panic" button - hard reset in case of a crash, with custom 3d-printed 'skull' button cap

-3x vibrato 'body contacts' - the metal gears are not just decoration! When touched, the pitch will bend up or down depending on which are touched

-1/4" audio output

-full paintjob - the case has been 'hydro-dipped' three times for a multi-tone marbled effect. The front of the device has been treated with a holographic glitter effect.